Tech-Info: RagTime 6.5.2 on Mac OS X Lion



The most recent RagTime 6.5.2 version runs on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) without any troubles. Older RagTime versions do not run on Mac OS X Lion because Lion does not include the PowerPC emulator anymore. The solution for this is an upgrade to the current RagTime 6.5.2 version. It is considerably faster, includes new functions and is completely supported.

Currently, we are also testing which new functions in Mac OS X Lion, such as regular version backups for files, could benefit RagTime. For programs that support the new Lion “Versions” function, the operating system performs an automatic backup (similar to Time Machine) and copies and saves the documents regularly without prior notice to the user.


In contrast, the RagTime native backup function only saves the changes that the user applied, e.g. a modified text, making for only minor differences within the RagTime document. This procedure is not supported by the Lion “Versions” function whose backup technology can lead to a disproportionate consumption of storage space when handling large amounts of data.


Also, storing data on a server volume is not supported by the Lion “Versions” function.


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