
RagTime allows you to print single-page text, output color separated multiple-page brochures including pictures and graphics, color-proofed for offset printing, convert a document to PDF for your mailing, or output technical manuals as HTML for Internet use taking account of the CD guidelines. As always, RagTime offers you the right solution for any task.


Various options of the print and export functions in RagTime support your daily work: 

Some examples for output options in RagTime including configuration options:

(Click on thumb to open larger view):



PDF-Exportoptionenam Mac 

PDF-Export am Mac 

HTML-Export konfigurieren 








RagTime.de Development GmbH

Feldriethe 4
30826 Garbsen


Tel.: +49 5131 70 93 6-0


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RagTime 7


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Individual content, formats, fonts, and colors are listed well arranged in the Inventory. Frequently used documents and form can be accessed easily from within the Foyer.

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