RagTime in Office Environments – Simply Productive
Evaluation and presentation
RagTime allows connecting figures and presenting them in graphical form. Convincing presentations can be realized with different graphs, complemented with images and text. more …
Create and use forms
With RagTime you can easily create and use any type of template, be it questionnaires, tax returns, invoices, etc. more …
Mail merge and mailings
RagTime documents can be printed by using the mail merge function or issued as a PDF file, personalized for addresses from a spreadsheet, an Excel or CVS file. more …
Database connection
An ODBC connection or FileTime X extension allows transferring addresses and other data sets, text and text modules, and image references into the layout, easily via drag & drop. more …
Printing documents perfectly
An outstanding RagTime characteristic is that it properly prints documents. The printout is always identical with the monitor view on a Mac or PC. more …
Corporate letterheads – No compromises with the CI
RagTime lets you print your business letters, offer sheets, invoices,
price lists as well as presentations, reports and data sheets in
accordance with the corporate colors, fonts and logos on your existing
business paper. more …
HTML output for use on website
You can easily export RagTime documents as HTML pages, while the page layout including frames, images, graphics and tables is preserved. more …
Professional output for printhouses
RagTime supports proper ICC-based color separation including spot colors, registration marks, and additional printing related parameters. more …
RagTime.de Development GmbH
Feldriethe 4
30826 Garbsen
Tel.: +49 5131 70 93 6-0
Contact us by e-mail