RagTime supports you with various levels of automation. You will almost not take notice of it in the daily practice, when RagTime fulfills a task for you – e.g. updating a graph after you changed the figures in the spreadsheet. This is the benefit of “living” documents. The next automation level uses buttons. These elements allow you to execute different commands, e.g. create a new document according to your requirements, fill in a form with separately entered data, carry out the calculation of your own formula, or start a mail merge. If you work on a Mac, you can use AppleScript to completely automate many workflows in RagTime.
Automation with RagTime offers you many advantages:
- Time savings at setup, fill-in and output of documents thanks to freely definable buttons, checkboxes and drop-down lists
- Error minimization when filling in forms due to individually definable entry fields and buttons, for automatic completion of predefined fields
- Easy and quick preparation of the results of chemical analyses, biological experiments or physical measurement series by data collections and their interactive analysis within a single document
- Automatic printing of documents to facilitate your work
- Instant update of presentations and other sales documents due to “living” documents and buttons which calculate the results of individual formulas
- Easy integration of RagTime in complex and automated workflows
- Less effort when synchronizing data between RagTime and other applications due to integrated AppleScript library, which comprises more than 400 different commands
- Comfortable database publishing thanks to automatic updating of database queries when printing out price lists, brochures and reports Development GmbH
Feldriethe 4
30826 Garbsen
Tel.: +49 5131 70 93 6-0
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