RagTime assists you in creating and editing sketches and illustrations. A drawing component offers a very large work area – several square meters, so even large-format drawings and blueprints can be realized directly in RagTime without great effort.
Drawing in RagTime has these advantages:
- Quick realization due to many various drawing tools including polygon and Bézier curve tool
- Appealing designs including shadings and transparencies
- Easy creation of complex structures by grouping several drawing objects, and copying them as a composition
- Maximum flexibility thanks to various transformation options for drawing objects such as skew, distort, rotate, as well as quickly arrange and draw from center
- Exact positioning and scaling of drawing objects by use of the floating object coordinates palette for entering positions and sizes
- Professional working environment providing grid lines, guide lines and rulers with individual scaling and conversion between types of shapes
- Text can be wrapped around objects drawn on the page, while the drawings may flow with the text
Some examples of the drawing tools and their editing options, provided by RagTime:
(Click on thumb to open larger view)
RagTime.de Development GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen
Tel.: +49 5131 70 93 6-0
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