Technical Information for RagTime

Here you will find technical information related to using RagTime on Mac and Windows computers.



RagTime and e-invoicing

At the moment, this is primarily an issue in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. So either read the German article, or wait until we provide an English version here.



RagTime multi-user full versions

RagTime multi-user full versions (two or more users) may be installed on all company computers. Only simultaneous RagTime users are counted. This makes the use of RagTime very flexible and cost-effective.



Delete RagTime 7 dialog and font cache

Under very special circumstances – with different RagTime program versions and different activated/removed program extensions – it can happen that some dialog windows (e.g. spreadsheet info) display empty (gray) content.



RagTime 7 compatibility with macOS Sonoma

Without any prior notice, Apple removed the complete APIs for the CGPSConverter and several font APIs starting with macOS Sonoma. We have responded to this so that the current version of RagTime 7 runs smoothly under macOS 14 Sonoma.



Spotlight search with RagTime

RagTime 6.6.6 and RagTime 7 support Spotlight indexing of RagTime documents so that the Spotlight search includes RagTime documents, too.



RagTime 6.6 (Windows) & Ghostscript

We have tested the latest version of RagTime 6.6 for Windows with Ghostscript 9.53.3, 9.54, 9.55, and 10.0.0.



RagTime support for Windows 11

The current version RagTime 6.6 runs perfectly with the new Windows 11.



File paths in AppleScript

As of RagTime 6.6.6 old file paths are no longer supported in the colon syntax, UNIX paths must be used instead.



References with preserved formatting

If a formatted cell content from a RagTime spreadsheet is to be transferred to another cell using a function, you are confronted with the problem that the formatting of the cell content is not applied in the target cell.



Typesetting formulas with RagTime

Typesetting formulas has long been a current topic for RagTime. Since RagTime does not have its own formula editor, we looked at the possibilities.



[Solved] Editing a form is not possible in columns view (macOS 10.13)

Under macOS 10.13, the Modify Stationery checkbox is not displayed if the view is set to columns.



Delete RagTime preferences

There are many long-term users who have had installed various RagTime software releases on their computer. Under certain circumstances it can become necessary to delete older and unvalid RagTime preferences, to guarantee proper operation of the current version.



Notes on using a USB memory stick (macOS)

Using incorrectly formatted USB memory sticks, USB disk drives etc. can result in problems up to complete data loss.



Notes on FileTime X and FileMaker 16

FileMaker 16 is not compatible with FileTime X. We are currently analyzing the problem. Until we provide a solution, it is recommended to refrain from updating to FileMaker 16.



[Solved] MacBook Pro Touch Bar – RagTime hangs at input dialogs

We have identified problems under macOS 10.12.2 and 10.12.3, which only occur with the new MacBook Pro Touch Bar, other Mac computers are not affected.



Use character and paragraph formats in RagTime

This video shows how to define your favorite RagTime character and paragraph formats, store them in style sheets, and easily assign them with one mouse click to your text.



Important update warning for macOS 10.12.1 (Sierra)

Update: With the release of macOS 10.12.2 this warning is obsolete!

We received reports that RagTime under macOS 10.12.1 cannot be authorized, and is permanently hanging.



RagTime crash caused by macOS 10.12 (Sierra) bug

We have been receiving crash reports by macOS 10.12 users who experience continued RagTime crashes.



AutoText in RagTime – insert text via keyboard abbreviations

Watch the RagTime video tutorial:

“AutoText in RagTime – insert text via keyboard abbreviations.



Apple ODBC Administrator for RagTime Connect Pro

Starting with OS X 10.7 (“Lion”) Apple does not include the “ODBC Administrator” utility program in the OS anymore. This program allowed users to configure ODBC data sources.



Adding bleed margins before printing

Premedia services often demand that documents for printing include a so-called bleed margin, which extends beyond the finished document size (trim margin) to allow printing of artwork or background colors to the edge of the document.



Simple fonts choice in RagTime documents

When working with RagTime, you have several options to easily choose document fonts.



Efficiently create and test complex formulas in RagTime

How can one create and efficiently test complex formulas in RagTime, without losing track? For example, in an input line, a date and a comment are to be entered, which should be transferred into the first empty row of a table, at the click of the button.



AppleScript user interaction

RagTime supports extensive possibilities that can be controlled remotely, via AppleScript. These scripts also allow notifications to or requests from the user



Installing the update on Windows

Before installing the RagTime 6.6.1 update, you need to uninstall older RagTime versions AND extensions (Connect Pro, Johannes, Power Functions, etc.) first!



RagTime network communication

RagTime uses network communication within the local network and between different RagTime users to coordinate the maximum concurrent users according to the RagTime license



RagTime(OS X): White areas after entering data

We have received several inquiries regarding data in RagTime suddenly not being displayed anymore and areas on the page turning white when entering text or being in a spreadsheet



RagTime license under Windows gets lost when RagTime starts again

There are a few special cases in which the entered RagTime license under Windows is lost upon the next RagTime start. Affected are probably Windows customers with special access permissions, where RagTime could not save the registration data due to access permissions



PDF export of mail merges with separate files can fail

The export of a mail merge document to PDF can be used with the option “Create Separate Files” which will force each document to be written to its own file



Slow open/save as dialogs under OS X

We discovered that, after starting RagTime, the “Open document…”/“Save as…” dialogs take very long to appear before opening when called for the very first time. The next time the dialogs are available as fast as ever. After restarting RagTime the dialogs are as slow as described above



Print dialog size on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) with non-English localizations

OS X 10.11 (10.11.1) has an issue where the customized print dialog size calculation gives wrong results. Affected from this problem are localized OS Versions i.e. German, French, and Dutch



Parallel operation of RagTime 6.6 and previous versions

Even if an earlier version of RagTime has already been installed on a Windows or Mac computer, RagTime 6.6 can be installed on this system in addition. It is possible because RagTime 6.6



Installing RagTime under OS X after downloading the disk image

After downloading the RagTime disk image (.dmg) from the RagTime website and starting the RagTime installer, and depending on the Mac OS settings and the OS, a message may be issued that this software originates from an unidentified developer and hence cannot be installed for security reasons



Multiple »Undos« in RagTime

Many programs allow multiple undos and redos of changes in documents. This functionality is also on the wish list of many RagTime users – including the RagTime team



RagTime Yosemite Compatibility
RagTime 6.5.2 can be used with the new Apple OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).There is only a minor issue with the Apple printer driver in Yosemite, which will crash Ragtime during the set-up of an individual paper size.



Acrobat Distiller Settings and PDF-Export

While using Adobe Acrobat Distiller via the PDF-Export in RagTime, it might happen the individual Distiller settings are no longer available. We explain the details and show a possible workaround.



RagTime crash after right mourse click in OS X 10.9

RagTime 6.5.2 may crash, if the right mouse button is clicked in a Mavericks installation. We have investigated the details and can offer a possible workaround.



New RagTime FileTime X offers support for FileMaker 12

RagTime FileTime X_6.0 for RagTime 6.5.2 supports FileMaker 12 data bases as well as older FileMaker versions.



RagTime – Addresses in Mac OS X 10.8

RagTime 6.5.2 crashes under Mac OS X 10.8, if the access to addresses from the »Address Book« is denied. The issue can be solved in the System Preferences



Tour: FileTime X with FileMaker 12

Connecting to FileMaker is easy, with the new update it also works with FileMaker 12



Create data sheets with RagTime (Video Tutorial)

See this article which includes a link to a video tutorial



RagTime – FileTime X and FileMaker 12

FileMaker 12 is not compatible with FileTime X. We are currently analysing the issue



RagTime on Mountain Lion

The mountain lion is coming. And RagTime is ready of it. First tests using the Apple Mac OS X 10.8 developer preview are looking fine. RagTime 6.5.2 show only minor issues with the announced Mac OS X 10.8.


Notes regarding FileTime X and FileMaker 12

There is a change in FileMaker 12 which may make minor changes necessary, both of your database and the RagTime stationeries. Our RagTime expert, Jürgen Schell, had written down the facts and explains in detail how to handle possible issues you might see with your documents.



QuarkXPress 9 and RagTime on Mac OS X

QuarkXPress 9 crashes during the XPress startup on Macs, where RagTime and Quark are installed, as some of our customer reported.



RagTime 6.5.2 on Mac OS X Lion

The latest RagTime 6.5.2 version is fully compatible on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion). As Lion has no PowerPC emulator anymore, older RagTime Versions won't work on Lion..



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